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Search results for References by amin, r.
Okita-Ouma, B.; Amin, R.; Kock, R., 2007. Conservation and management strategy for the black rhino (Diceros bicornis michaeli) and management guidelines for the white rhino (Ceratotherium simum simum) in Kenya (2007-2011), third edition. Nairobi, KWS, pp. 1-70


Okita-Ouma, B.; Amin, R.; Adcock, K.; Emslie, R.H.; Kock, R., 2007. A positive turning point in black rhino conservation in Kenya: pp. 1-4, i-ii, 1-79

 In: Okita-Ouma, B. et al. Conservation and management strategy for the black rhino (Diceros bicornis michaeli) and management guidelines for the white rhino (Ceratotherium simum simum) in Kenya (2007-2011), third edition. Nairobi, KWS: pp. 1-70


Amin, R.; Thomas, K.; Emslie, R.H.; Foose, T.J.; Strien, N.J.van, 2006. An overview of the conservation status and threats to rhinoceros species in the wild. International Zoo Yearbook 40: 96-117, figs. 1-5, tables 1-2


Amin, R.; Okita-Ouma, B.; Adcock, K.; Emslie, R.H.; Mulama, M.; Pearce-Kelly, P., 2006. An integrated management strategy for the conservation of Eastern black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis michaeli in Kenya. International Zoo Yearbook 40: 118-129, pls. 1-2, figs. 1-7


Adcock, K.; Amin, R., 2005. Black rhinoceros: pp. 61-65

 In: Fulconis, R. Save the rhinos: EAZA Rhino Campaign 2005/6 Info Pack. London, Save the Rhinos: pp. 1-164


Emslie, R.H.; Amin, R.; Bramer, M.; SADC, 2005. Summary report on progress with rhino horn fingerprinting and the way forwards. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation, pp. 1-12


Emslie, R.H.; Amin, R.; Davey, K.; SADC, 2004. Rhino 2.0: reference manual (partners users' guide). Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation, pp. 1-69


Amin, R.; Bramer, M.; Emslie, R.H., 2003. Intelligent data analysis for conservation: experiments with rhino horn fingerprint identification. Knowledge-Based Systems 16 (5): 329-336


Emslie, R.H.; Amin, R.; Davey, K., 2003. New RHINO 2.0 population estimation software scheduled for release. Pachyderm 34: 99-100


Amin, R.J.; Emslie, R.H., 2002. Horn fingerprinting technique update. Pachyderm 32: 90-91


Amin, R.; Okita, B.; Mulama, M., 2001. Kenya implementing a new black rhino information management system. Pachyderm 30: 96-97


Emslie, R.H.; Amin, R., 2001. RHINO rewrite: an update. Pachyderm 30: 100-101


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